BOA-2.0.5 Edition

We are happy to release BOA-2.0.5 Edition, which includes 12 updated platforms, new Drupal 7 and Drupal 6 core versions and many fixes and improvements introduced in the last six weeks since previous Edition.
### Stable Edition BOA-2.0.5
### Date: Sun Dec 23 15:35:46 EST 2012
### Installs Aegir 2.0.5 compatible with Aegir 1.9

# Updated Octopus platforms:

  Commerce 1.12.1 --------------
  Commerce 2.0 -----------------
  Commons 2.11 -----------------
  Drupal 7.18.1 ----------------
  Open Deals 1.14 --------------
  Open Outreach 1.0-rc7 --------
  OpenChurch 1.11-beta7 --------
  Panopoly 1.0-rc3 -------------
  Pressflow 6.27.1 -------------
  ProsePoint 0.45 --------------
  Ubercart 2.11.1 --------------
  Ubercart 3.3.1 ---------------

  All other not listed above platforms are available with latest
  D6 or D7 core, even if there were no new distro version released.

# New Aegir modules or extensions:

  * Add drush clean-modules command - clean_missing_modules extension.

# New o_contrib modules:

  * Add reroute_email module in both D6 and D7 contrib.

# Changes:

  * Git
  * MariaDB 5.3.11 on Debian Lenny
  * MariaDB 5.5.28a
  * Nginx 1.3.9
  * PHP 5.3.20
  * Redis 2.6.7
  * Delete old tmp files in all sites daily.
  * Disable Expire and Purge modules by default - they are no longer needed.
  * Redis integration module updated to 7.x-2.0-beta2
  * There is no need to restart Redis and Tomcat hourly.
  * Use higher innodb_lock_wait_timeout by default - 120 instead of 50.
  * Use 1h instead of 30min default timeout for sql and php-cli to avoid
    breaking some extra long running backend tasks on some really big sites.

# Fixes:

  * Allow more drush commands over SSH.
  * Always force drupal_http_request_fails to FALSE to avoid false alarm.
  * Better check for standalone vhosts firewall setup.
  * Better lshell forbidden list of keywords.
  * Better regex to deny wildcards with top-level or country level domains.
  * Check for existence of host_master and not host_master/001 directory.
  * Compass is not available on older OS versions.
  * Delete ltd-shell extra user/client if there is no site associated/owned.
  * Delete old symlinks in the client directory for no longer associated sites.
  * Fix broken script - it does not enable/disable modules.
  * Fix date formatting also in the sqlcheck script.
  * Fix for some really old installs without .barracuda.cnf file.
  * Fix permissions for Boost cache directory with correct chmod.
  * Fix the hint - it should say to restart mysql.
  * Issue #1081266 - Avoid re-scanning modules directory.
  * Issue #1263602 - Force New Relic re-install on every upgrade, if used.
  * Issue #1460882 - Send .json requests to @drupal instead of =404.
  * Issue #1837418 - Fix permissions inside ~/.drush directory.
  * Issue #1837776 - Do not disable httprl module.
  * Issue #1837910 - Upload progress broken for all D6 sites.
  * Issue #1839122 - Disabling Redis on known AJAX calls breaks UI elements.
  * Issue #1839544 - Use language neutral checks for users, groups and hosts.
  * Issue #1841230 - BOA provides Apache Solr 1.4 with Tomcat 6.
  * Issue #1841246 - Fix csf.fignore file to whitelist /tmp/drush_*
  * Issue #1842554 - Replace broken links to Skitch screenshots.
  * Issue #1847682 - Fix extra Nginx config support in the Master Instance.
  * Issue #1850034 - Disable SYSLOG_CHECK in csf to avoid false alarms.
  * Issue #1857250 - Domain Access support is broken in the backend cli.
  * Issue #1857990 - Include reroute_email module in o_contrib by default.
  * Issue #1860100 - Use provision-backup-delete instead of backup_delete.
  * Issue #1865112 - Add drush clean-modules command.
  * Issue #1867264 - Too many Redis caching exceptions cause serious confusion.
  * Issue #1871060 - CiviCRM l10n should be moved to proper directory.
  * Lshell: Map drush mup to up instead of upc. Add new drush mupc map for upc.
  * Max supported version of Search API Solr search is 7.x-1.0-rc2
  * More complete permissions fix on install and upgrade.
  * More strict check for _LENNY_TO_SQUEEZE option.
  * Nginx: Better regex in the Nginx monitor.
  * Nginx: Exclude also files/progress path in the Nginx monitor.
  * Nginx: Fix rewrite rules in the CDN Far Future expiration support.
  * Nginx: Make sure that any older packages are uninstalled on upgrade.
  * Nginx: Make sure that default Nginx vhosts are deleted also on upgrade.
  * Nginx: Skip all logged media and download requests in the Nginx monitor.
  * PHP: Use high enough value for max_input_vars in PHP 5.3 by default.
  * Really fix the datestamp comparison logic on various systems.
  * Rebuild registry without --no-cache-clear option to avoid issues.
  * Redis: Check if Redis binary exists, not symlink.
  * Redis: Delete redis-server symlink to avoid failed Redis install.
  * Redis: Do not use all three extra exceptions on the hostmaster site.
  * Redis: Do not use sleep breaks during Redis full restart.
  * Redis: The cache_menu bin should be still excluded from Redis caching.
  * Redis: The hostmaster site needs exception for cache_class_cache bin.
  * Stop and Start CSF only if installed.
  * The locked auto-healing script needs to kill tomcat more aggressively.
  * Update csf.conf template.
  * Upgrade to ctools-6.x-1.10 in the hostmaster platform.
  * Use aliases in drush commands where possible.
  * Use better name for non-web NewRelic app tracking.
  * You must remove remote_import extension from the source server.

You can read full changelog as always at:


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