BOA-2.4.0 Full Edition

We are happy to release BOA-2.4.0 Full Edition, with 7 updated Aegir platforms, over 28 new features and enhancements, 12 new software versions, over 36 important changes, plus over 100 bug fixes.

### Stable BOA-2.4.0 Release - Full Edition
### Date: Wed Feb  4 20:30:04 CET 2015
### Milestone URL:

  @=> Includes Aegir Hostmaster 2.x-head with improvements
  @=> Includes Aegir Provision 3.x-head with improvements
  @=> Includes Drush 7.0.0-alpha8 customized for BOA

# Release Notes:

  This new BOA release includes 7 updated Aegir platforms, over 28 new features
  and enhancements, 12 new software versions, over 36 important changes, plus
  over 100 bug fixes, with most notable features and changes listed below:

  @=> Added Support for latest Drupal 8.0.0-beta with D8B platform keyword
  @=> Added Support for latest Drupal 8.0.0-dev with D8D platform keyword
  @=> Added Support for latest PHP 5.6
  @=> BOA can auto-detect its fastest download mirror on install, upgrade etc.
  @=> BOA Code Refactoring to make it modular and easier to read (in progress)
  @=> BOA Skynet auto-updates can be turned off with _SKYNET_MODE=OFF
  @=> Cron is run only for live sites with no tmp, temp, dev, test etc keywords
  @=> Force single PHP version with command keyword on install and upgrade
  @=> Introducing Support for HHVM -- see docs/HHVM.txt for details.
  @=> PHP 5.5 is used by default on new installs instead of old 5.3
  @=> PHP-FPM (and HHVM) runs now as a separate, very limited system user
  @=> Removed Support for legacy PHP 5.2
  @=> Sites Names Exceptions and Special Keywords have changed
  @=> The _MODULES_FIX variable is set to NO by default
  @=> The _PERMISSIONS_FIX variable is set to NO by default
  @=> The built-in registry-rebuild on every Verify task is not run by default
  @=> The Dev-Mode works only for site aliases, no longer for main site name

  Please read further below for more details.

# Updated Octopus platforms:

  aGov 1.6 ---------------------
  Commerce 1.32 (with 1.11) ----
  Guardr 2.7 -------------------
  OpenAtrium 2.26 --------------
  OpenChurch 1.17-b1 -----------
  OpenPublic 1.4 ---------------
  Panopoly 1.15 ----------------

# New features and enhancements:

  * Add backboa variables to configure full backup cycle and log verbosity.
  * Add Backdrop CMS compatibility in (experimental)
  * Add Drupal 8 compatibility in
  * Add Drush Make Local - fixes #332
  * Add safe_cache_form_clear Drush extension by default - fixes #568
  * Add support for writable .aws directory in the web user home.
  * Allow to set _PHP_SINGLE_INSTALL on command line - on install and upgrade.
  * Allow to use both platform specific and ALL keyword in _PLATFORMS_LIST.
  * BOA auto-selects the fastest download mirror on install, upgrade and update.
  * Detect critically low free RAM and forcefully restart services if needed.
  * Detect OOM incidents and forcefully restart services if needed.
  * Improve backboa with AWS connection testing.
  * Install latest D8-dev with D8D keyword specified.
  * Monitor and rotate PHP error logs if too big (over 1 GB).
  * Monitor the number of master PHP-FPM processes and force restart if needed.
  * New 'nodns' option to skip DNS and SMTP checks on the fly.
  * Nginx: Add support for images derivatives with URI shortcuts - fixes #481
  * Nginx: Add support for URI shortcuts for sites in subdirectories.
  * PHP: Add HHVMinfo.
  * PHP: Add support for latest 5.6
  * PHP: Allow to define version to install and use on command line - fixes #536
  * PHP: Disable not used CLI versions if _PHP_SINGLE_INSTALL is defined.
  * PHP: Disable not used FPM and CLI versions.
  * PHP: HHVM experimental support - fixes #443
  * Provide default value for composer_manager_vendor_dir variable - fixes #385
  * Redis: Allow to configure remote IP via _REDIS_LISTEN_MODE /cluster support.
  * Use cron scheduler fast mode (every 10 sec) if /root/.fast.cron.cnf exists.
  * Use Drush Make Local for Hostmaster with download mirrors auto-detection.

# Changes:

  * Alter the cron_interval for existing sites to match Aegir default.
  * Change required exceptions keywords to .temporary. and .testing.
  * Dev mode detection and URLs protection - now works only for aliases.
  * Do not display .cnf files contents if _DEBUG_MODE is not set to YES.
  * Do not restart Redis daily if /root/.high_traffic.cnf exists - fixes #533
  * Drush 7 is now used by default instead of Drush 6.
  * Drush: Upgrade to mini-7-02-02-2015
  * Force _TOMCAT_TO_JETTY=YES - fixes #570
  * Hostmaster: Use Drush Make Local instead of downloading contrib with Drush
  * Limit status messages verbosity if _DEBUG_MODE is not set to YES
  * Make it possible to opt-out from BOA Skynet auto-updates - fixes #557
  * Nginx: Block SEOkicks crawler.
  * PHP: Always use by default version 5.5
  * PHP: Disable legacy 5.2 version if installed.
  * PHP: Ignore --with-curlwrappers defined in _PHP_EXTRA_CONF for 5.5 and 5.6
  * PHP: Rebuild to remove --with-curlwrappers unless added in _PHP_EXTRA_CONF
  * PHP: Remove no longer working custom config protection - see #559
  * PHP: Tune FPM defaults for speed and RAM optimization.
  * PHP: Use built-in Zend OPcache in 5.5
  * PHP: Use built-in Zend OPcache in 5.6
  * Redis Integration Module: Update to version mod-14-12-2014
  * Reload system cron hourly.
  * Remove deprecated RC4 from ssl_protocols.
  * Remove the _O_CONTRIB_UP variable/feature.
  * Run cron for 3 sites at once max.
  * Set _MODULES_FIX=NO by default
  * Set _PERMISSIONS_FIX=NO by default
  * Site mode detection and cron protection - cron works only for live sites
  * Split huge BARRACUDA script into lib includes.
  * Switch to special limited system user also in PHP-FPM mode - fixes #551
  * There is no need to update drupalgeddon every 5 minutes.
  * Use 86400 as a default cron_interval to sync with Drupal default.
  * Use MySQLTuner only if _USE_MYSQLTUNER=YES is set in .barracuda.cnf
  * Use provision_civicrm 6.x-2.x directly.
  * Use separate versioning for Aegir extensions download URLs.
  * Run built-in registry-rebuild on Verify only if empty ctrl file
    sites/all/modules/registry-rebuild.ini exists.

# System upgrades:

  * cURL 7.40.0 (if installed from sources)
  * Git 2.2.1 (if installed from sources)
  * MariaDB 10.0.16
  * MariaDB 5.5.41
  * MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.16
  * Nginx 1.7.9
  * PHP 5.4.37
  * PHP 5.5.21
  * PHP 5.6.5
  * PHP: ionCube loader 4.7.3
  * Redis 2.8.19
  * Ruby 2.2.0

# Fixes:

  * Add CONTRIBUTING.txt guidelines.
  * Add in docs/HINTS.txt Helper locations to avoid 404 on legacy images paths.
  * Add still missing updates for migrated instances.
  * Add warning about vCloud Air incompatibility with Drupal.
  * Aliases are wiped out after site rename - fixes #542
  * Allow slower DNS response.
  * Always disable spinner when running boa in-octopus.
  * Avoid broken install on D8 core where sites/all doesn't exist by default.
  * Avoid confusing EXIT: You must specify already installed PHP version.
  * Avoid sed warnings in old stable and legacy modes.
  * Backward compatibility with Drush 6.
  * Block attempts to lookup /etc/passwd via web shell.
  * Check only LANG environment variable in locale test - fixes #584
  * Compare $new_uri with d()->name and not d()->uri in the Site Rename Check.
  * Delete duplicity ghost pid file if older than 2 days.
  * Do not confuse D7 with D8 or Backdrop CMS.
  * Do not force cURL reinstall from packages - fixes #565
  * Do not try to add platforms nodes if no new platform has been installed.
  * Do not update backboa if duplicity is running.
  * Document when to use /root/.fast.cron.cnf
  * Drupal 8 removed drupal_mail()
  * Drupal 8 requires container_yamls defined.
  * Drupal 8 requires read permissions in sites/all
  * Drupal 8 requires trusted_host_patterns defined in settings.php
  * Drupal 8 with $clean_urls=1 should use /cron/ URI.
  * Drush 7 requires composer.
  * Fix and Improve Squeeze to Wheezy upgrade procedure.
  * Fix for $HOME detection if not set for some reason.
  * Fix for Drush aliases protection.
  * Fix for octopus batch upgrade mode.
  * Fix for octopus single upgrade mode.
  * Fix for pdnsd install/update logic.
  * Fix missing symlinks after broken openjdk-6 upgrade.
  * Fix path to PHP-CLI if needed.
  * Fix public IP auto-detection on AWS in Octopus.
  * Fix the logic for aegir/platforms upgrade mode.
  * Fix the logic for TMPDIR set on the fly - fixes #552
  * Fix: LANGUAGE (en_US.UTF-8) is not compatible with LC_ALL (). Disabling it.
  * Force _PHP_MULTI_INSTALL to match defined _PHP_FPM_VERSION on cluster nodes.
  * Force _THIS_DB_HOST=localhost on AWS.
  * HHVM: Add /home/ to open_basedir so access to the .tmp works - fixes #569
  * HHVM: Add workarounds for potential security issues - fixes #443
  * Improve Aegir tasks scheduling and load spikes protection.
  * Improve docs for backboa.
  * Improve pdnsd configuration update by removing non-IP lines early enough.
  * Improve procs monitor.
  * Improve web wrapper.
  * Increase inotify defaults to improve lsyncd support.
  * Issue #2372653: Add --no-autocommit when dumping MySQL tables.
  * Jetty: Detect if running as zombie and force restart if needed.
  * Make sure that AcceptEnv is set in sshd_config.
  * Make sure to never run cron on just cloned site.
  * MariaDB patch is no longer needed.
  * Monitor lsyncd and xinetd if installed and expected to run.
  * Never delete tmp dirs to avoid Drush/PHP segfaults and race conditions.
  * Nginx: Add missing variables in subdirectory config template.
  * Nginx: Fix for D8-specific /cron/ location regex.
  * Nginx: Force clean URLs for Drupal 8.
  * Nginx: Helper locations to avoid 404 on legacy images paths (subdir only)
  * Nginx: Hide X-Drupal-Cache-Tags header.
  * Nginx: Use safe fallback for mysteriously empty $db_port
  * PHP: Avoid version guessing for Octopus when _PHP_SINGLE_INSTALL is used.
  * PHP: Make sure that _PHP_SINGLE_INSTALL takes precedence.
  * PHP: OPcache configuration for Drupal 8 - fixes #419
  * PHP: Re-install libmagickwand-dev to avoid broken extension build.
  * PHP: The fallback version should be detected and not hardcoded.
  * Prevent 'Could not change permissions' warnings with CiviCRM - fixes #523
  * Remove Drupal 8 specific code from settings template used in older Drupal.
  * Remove known sensitive credentials from barracuda upgrade log.
  * Revert "Issue #2313327: Fixed Unknown options for provision-verify."
  * Run agents update on cluster nodes.
  * Run single mirror check - fixes #565
  * RVM: Install also eventmachine-1.0.3
  * Set files paths on D8 install to avoid using system default /tmp.
  * Silence confusing noise - fixes #589
  * Skip auto-update for agents not compatible with older versions.
  * Skip extra SQL connection test on AWS.
  * Standardize platforms version and naming convention.
  * Support for _NGINX_NAXSI is experimental (don't use)
  * Symlinks directories expected by Drush/Aegir in D8 root.
  * Sync defaults for hosting_advanced_cron_default_interval
  * Syntax error - fixes #587
  * Syntax error - fixes #588
  * The _NGINX_FORWARD_SECRECY=YES is ignored on Debian Wheezy - fixes #591
  * The /login suffix is no longer supported in Drupal 8 and results with 404.
  * The backend verify sub-task breaks site import for Drupal 8.
  * Tomcat is not used anymore - see #570
  * Use consistent stderr 2 stdout redirects in grep checks.
  * Use correct _THIS_DB_HOST on master instance.
  * Use correct pid file in procs monitor.
  * Use correct user to run drush test commands.
  * Use extended display mode for messages longer than 200 chars.
  * Use faster mysqldump mode/flags.
  * Use mirror to download complete vendor directory for Drush 7.
  * Use more intuitive PHP keyword naming convention.
  * Use mutatable interface in - fxes #2409085
  * Use recommended releases for views404 and views_accelerator - fixes #578
  * Use release specific o_contrib downloads.
  * Use safe tmp cleanup to avoid race conditions.
  * Where to set _USE_MYSQLTUNER variable - fixes #594

You can find the full changelog at:


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