
High performance, scalable Drupal hosting, tuned and optimized for Drupal specific needs is available in a few different flavours, offered by many providers, so no matter how small or how big your Drupal site is, there is a large selection of options.

While you can probably host Drupal on any good enough shared hosting, self-managed VPS or even a dedicated box, none of those previous-era options can offer cost-effective scalability and performance delivered by Drupal-centric hosts. In this review, we will compare the options available from three vendors, as a response to the comparison request posted on

While you could expect that this comparison written by one of reviewed vendors will be biased a bit, we will do our best to make it fair, accurate, and based purely on the information anyone can find on all three vendors web sites or vendors/founders comments posted on public forums.

In the forthcoming articles we will analyze some advanced topics and technical details, but our goal is to make the comparison easy to read and understand by all Drupal sites owners, designers and developers.

This comparison will not only answer all questions from the aforementioned post on We will include also more holistic overview of some core conceptions and important differences.

There will be no “pros and cons of each” list, however. We believe that “pros and cons of each” belongs to opinion, and is highly contextual. Our comparison will be only about facts, details and core conceptions/ideas, so any reader will be able to build his own list of “pros and cons of each” for his own context/use case.

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