Where is the Rename task?

Tags: Problems & Solutions

QWhile there is a long list of available tasks you can use to manage your sites, there is no Rename task listed, so what to do when you want to change the site’s main domain name?

Where is the Rename task problem
Where is the Rename task solution
omega8cc - Sat, 07/09/2011 - 18:35

Avoid Chicken/Egg Syndrome

Note: you can’t rename the site from yourdomain.com to www. yourdomain.com or from www. yourdomain.com to yourdomain.com in a one step. You need to rename it to anything.yourdomain.com first, and then to the final expected version. This is because the “www” (or non-www) version (alias) already exists, so it could cause some kind of chicken/egg syndrome when renaming the site and is therefore not allowed in Aegir.

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